China Anti-oxidant Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate/Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate

Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Cosmate®THDA,Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate ke mofuta o tsitsitseng, o qhibilihang ka oli oa vithamine C. E thusa ho tšehetsa tlhahiso ea collagen ea letlalo le ho etsa hore letlalo le be le letlalo le lekaneng.Kaha ke antioxidant e matla, e loantša li-radicals tsa mahala tse senyang letlalo.  

  • Lebitso la Khoebo:Cosmate®THA
  • Lebitso la Sehlahisoa:Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate
  • INCI Lebitso:Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate
  • Foromo ea molek'hule:C70H128O10
  • Nomoro ea CAS:183476-82-6
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Ke Hobane'ng ha Seliba sa Zhonghe

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa, ho etsa bonnete ba hore tharollo ea boleng bo botle e tsamaellana le litlhoko tse tloaelehileng tsa 'maraka le tsa bareki.Khoebo ea rona e na le lenaneo la netefatso ea boleng bo holimo ehlile e thehiloe bakeng sa China Supplier Prompt Shipment China Anti-Oxidant Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate/Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Re lebelletse ka tieo phapanyetsano le tšebelisano 'moho le uena.Ha re tsoeleng pele re tšoarane ka matsoho 'me re finyelle boemo ba win-win.
    tsoela pele ho ntlafatsa, ho etsa bonnete ba hore tharollo ea boleng bo botle e tsamaellana le litlhoko tse tloaelehileng tsa 'maraka le tsa bareki.Khoebo ea rona e na le top quality assurance programme e hlile e thehiloe bakeng saChina Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate le Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate, Re ntse re atolosa karolo ea rona ea 'maraka ea machaba ho latela thepa ea boleng bo phahameng, tšebeletso e babatsehang, theko e utloahalang le ho fana ka thepa ka nako.Hopola ho ikopanya le rona ka nako efe kapa efe bakeng sa lintlha tse ling.
    Cosmate®THDA, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate e u fa melemo eohle ea vithamine C ntle le litšitiso tsa L-Ascorbic acid.Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate e benya le ho lekana letlalo la letlalo, e loants'a tšenyo ea radical mahala, 'me e ts'ehetsa tlhahiso ea collagen ea letlalo la rona, ha e ntse e tsitsitse haholo, ha e tenehe ebile e qhibiliha ka mafura. Cosmate®THDA, Mofuta oa livithamini tse nang le esterified tseo e leng tsa tlhaho le tse sebetsang haholo mabapi le ho soeufala ha letlalo.Ha ho bapisoa le vithamine C e qhibilihang ka metsing e tla qetella e ntšitsoe 'meleng, vithamine ena ea C e nang le mafura e fana ka phello e kholo le e tšoarellang nako e telele,' me e tsitsitse haholo ebile e bonolo (e sa halefise).E khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen ho thibela botsofali ba letlalo, e ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea lisele ho fokotsa botsofali le ho fokotsa melanin ea letlalo. Cosmate®THDA e sebetsa e le antioxidant e matla le e soeufatsang, e nang le matla a ho thibela botsofali le a anti-acne.Ke mofuta o matla, o qhibilihang ka oli oa Vithamine C Ester.Joalo ka mefuta e meng ea Vithamine C, e thusa ho thibela botsofali ba lisele ka ho thibela khokahano ea collagen, oxidation ea liprotheine le lipid peroxidation.E boetse e sebetsa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang le antioxidant Vitamin E, 'me e bontšitse ho monya le botsitso bo phahameng ba percutaneous.Liphuputso tse ngata li netefalitse ho khanya ha letlalo, ho sireletsa lifoto, le ho kenya metsi letlalong.Ho fapana le L-ascorbic acid,Cosmate®THDA e ke ke ea phunya letlalo kapa ea halefisa.E mamelloa hantle ke esita le mefuta ea letlalo le nang le kutloelo-bohloko.Hape ho fapana le Vitamin C e tloaelehileng, e ka sebelisoa ka tekanyo e phahameng, le ho fihlela likhoeli tse leshome le metso e robeli ntle le oxidizing.Properties & Benefits of Cosmate®TDA: * Ho monya ho hoholo ha percutaneous *E thibela tšebetso ea intracellular tyrosinase le melanogenesis (whitening) * E fokotsa tšenyo e bakoang ke UV / DNA (Tsireletso ea UV / anti-stress) *E thibela lipid peroxidation le botsofali ba letlalo (anti-oxidant) * Ho qhibiliha hamonate ka oli e tloaelehileng ea litlolo * Ts'ebetso e kang ea SOD (anti-oxidant) * Collagen synthesis le tšireletso ea collagen (anti-botsofali) *Mocheso-le oxidation-tse tsitsitseng Cosmate®THDA e boetse e na le mabitso a mang 'marakeng, joalo ka Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate,THDA,VCIP,VC-IP,Ascorbyl Tetra-2 Hexyldecanoate, Vitamin C Tetraisopalmitate joalo-joalo.


    Litekanyetso tsa Tekheniki:

    Ponahalo Mokelikeli o se nang mmala ho isa ho o mosehla o kganyang
    Monko o monate Sebopeho
    Boitsebiso ba IR E lumellana

    98.0% mets.


    100 max.

    Matla a khoheli a khethehileng


    Refraction index(25ºC)


    Litšepe tse boima (joalo ka Pb) 10ppm boholo.
    Arsenic(As) 3ppm boholo.
    E.Coli E mpe
    Kakaretso ea Plate Count 1,000 cfu/g
    Litomoso le hlobo 100 cfu/g




    *Tsireletso ea tšenyo ea letsatsi

    *Ho lokisa tšenyo ea letsatsi



    *Moisturizing le hydration

    * Khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen

    * Ho khantša le ho khantša

    * Phekola hyperpigmentation

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • * Phepelo e tobileng ea fektheri

    *Tšehetso ea tekheniki

    * Mehlala ea tšehetso

    * Ts'ehetso ea Taelo ea Liteko

    *Tšehetso ea Order e Nyenyane

    *Boqapi bo Tsoelang Pele

    * Ikhethele ka Lisebelisoa tse sebetsang

    * Lisebelisoa tsohle lia fumaneha