Boleng bo botle ba Vc-IP Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate

Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Cosmate®THDA,Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate ke mofuta o tsitsitseng, o qhibilihang ka oli oa vithamine C. E thusa ho tšehetsa tlhahiso ea collagen ea letlalo le ho etsa hore letlalo le be le letlalo le lekaneng. Kaha ke antioxidant e matla, e loantša li-radicals tsa mahala tse senyang letlalo.


  • Lebitso la Khoebo:Cosmate®THA
  • Lebitso la Sehlahiswa:Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate
  • INCI Lebitso:Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate
  • Foromo ea molek'hule:C70H128O10
  • Nomoro ea CAS:183476-82-6
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Ke Hobane'ng ha Seliba sa Zhonghe

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    E le mokhoa oa ho u hlahisa ka boiketlo le ho holisa khoebo ea rona, re boetse re na le bahlahlobi ho QC Staff mme re u tiisetsa k'hamphani le sehlahisoa sa rona se setle ka ho fetesisa sa boleng bo holimo Vc-IP Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate, Ka melao ea rona ea " rekoto ea khoebo e nyane, molekane. ho tšepana le ho thusana”, kea le amohela kaofela ha lona ho sebetsa 'moho, ho atolosa hammoho.
    E le mokhoa oa ho u hlahisa ka boiketlo le ho holisa khoebo ea rona, re boetse re na le bahlahlobi ho QC Staff mme re u tiisetsa k'hamphani ea rona e ntle ka ho fetisisa le sehlahisoa sa rona.China Vc-IP le Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate, Re beha boleng ba sehlahisoa le melemo ea bareki sebakeng sa pele. Bahoebi ba rona ba nang le phihlelo ba fana ka litšebeletso tse potlakileng le tse sebetsang hantle. Sehlopha sa taolo ea boleng etsa bonnete ba boleng bo botle ka ho fetisisa. Re lumela hore boleng bo tsoa ho lintlha. Haeba u na le tlhoko, a re sebetseng 'moho ho fumana katleho.
    Cosmate®THDA, Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate e u fa melemo eohle ea vithamine C ntle le litšitiso tsa L-Ascorbic acid. Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate e benya le ho lekana letlalo la letlalo, e loants'a tšenyo ea radical mahala, 'me e ts'ehetsa tlhahiso ea collagen ea letlalo la rona, ha e ntse e tsitsitse haholo, ha e tenehe ebile e qhibiliha ka mafura.

    Cosmate®THDA, Mofuta oa livithamini tse nang le esterified tseo e leng tsa tlhaho le tse sebetsang haholo mabapi le ho soeufala ha letlalo. Ha ho bapisoa le vithamine C e qhibilihang ka metsing e tla qetella e ntšitsoe 'meleng, vithamine ena ea C e nang le mafura e fana ka phello e kholo le e tšoarellang nako e telele,' me e tsitsitse haholo ebile e bonolo (e sa halefise). E khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen ho thibela botsofali ba letlalo, e ntlafatsa tlhahiso ea lisele ho fokotsa botsofali le ho fokotsa melanin ea letlalo.

    Cosmate®THDA e sebetsa e le antioxidant e matla le e soeufatsang, e nang le matla a ho thibela botsofali le a anti-acne. Ke mofuta o matla, o qhibilihang ka oli oa Vithamine C Ester. Joalo ka mefuta e meng ea Vithamine C, e thusa ho thibela botsofali ba lisele ka ho thibela khokahano ea collagen, oxidation ea liprotheine le lipid peroxidation. E boetse e sebetsa ka mokhoa o ts'oanang le antioxidant Vitamin E, 'me e bontšitse ho monya le botsitso bo phahameng ba percutaneous. Liphuputso tse ngata li netefalitse ho khanya ha letlalo, ho sireletsa lifoto, le ho kenya metsi letlalong. Ho fapana le L-ascorbic acid,Cosmate®THDA e ke ke ea phunya letlalo kapa ea halefisa. E mamelloa hantle ke esita le mefuta ea letlalo le nang le kutloelo-bohloko. Hape ho fapana le Vithamine C e tloaelehileng, e ka sebelisoa ka tekanyo e phahameng, le ho fihlela likhoeli tse leshome le metso e robeli ntle le oxidizing.Properties & Benefits of Cosmate®TDA:

    * Ho monya ho holimo ha percutaneous

    *E thibela tšebetso ea intracellular tyrosinase le melanogenesis (whitening)

    * E fokotsa tšenyo e bakoang ke UV / DNA (Tsireletso ea UV / anti-stress)

    *E thibela lipid peroxidation le botsofali ba letlalo (anti-oxidant)

    * Ho qhibiliha hamonate ka oli e tloaelehileng ea litlolo

    * Ts'ebetso e kang ea SOD (anti-oxidant)

    * Collagen synthesis le tšireletso ea collagen (anti-botsofali)

    *Mocheso-le oxidation-tse tsitsitseng

    Cosmate®THDA e boetse e na le mabitso a mang 'marakeng, joalo ka Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate,THDA,VCIP,VC-IP,Ascorbyl Tetra-2 Hexyldecanoate,VCOS, Vitamin C Tetraisopalmitate joalo-joalo.

    Litekanyetso tsa Tekheniki:

    Ponahalo Mokelikeli o se nang mmala ho isa ho o mosehla o kganyang
    Monko o monate Sebopeho
    Boitsebiso ba IR E lumellana

    95.0% mets.


    100 max.

    Matla a khoheli a khethehileng


    Refraction index(25ºC)


    Litšepe tse boima (joalo ka Pb) 10ppm boholo.
    Arsenic(As) 3ppm boholo.
    E.Coli E mpe
    Kakaretso ea Plate Count 1,000 cfu/g
    Litomoso le hlobo 100 cfu/g


    *Tsireletso ea tšenyo ea letsatsi

    *Ho lokisa tšenyo ea letsatsi

    *Khahlanong le Botsofali


    *Moisturizing le hydration

    * Khothalletsa tlhahiso ea collagen

    * Ho khantša le ho khantša

    * Phekola hyperpigmentation

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • * Phepelo e tobileng ea fektheri

    *Tšehetso ea tekheniki

    * Tšehetso ea lisampole

    * Ts'ehetso ea Taelo ea Liteko

    *Tšehetso ea Order e Nyane

    *Boqapi bo Tsoelang Pele

    * Ikhethele ka Lisebelisoa tse sebetsang

    * Lithako tsohle lia fumaneha