Hammoho le filosofi ea k'hamphani ea "Client-Oriented", lenaneo le thata la taolo ea boleng bo holimo, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le basebetsi ba tiileng ba R&D, re lula re fana ka litharollo tsa boleng bo holimo, lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tse holimo haholo le litheko tse mabifi tsa Design e Ncha ea Feme ea China. Supply Cosmetic Grade Ferulic Acid CAS 1135-24-6, Na u ntse u lebeletse boleng bo botle sehlahisoa se tsamaellanang le setšoantšo sa hau se setle haholo sa mokhatlo ha u ntse u holisa mefuta ea hau ea thepa? Nahana ka thepa ea rona ea boleng. Khetho ea hau e tla ipaka e le bohlale!
Hammoho le filosofi ea k'hamphani ea "Client-Oriented", lenaneo le tiileng la taolo ea boleng bo holimo, lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le basebetsi ba tiileng ba R&D, re lula re fana ka litharollo tsa boleng bo holimo, lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso tsa boleng bo holimo le mefuta e mabifi ea litheko.China Ferulic Acid le 1135-24-6, Re lumela ka tieo hore theknoloji le tšebeletso ke motheo oa rona kajeno le boleng bo tla theha marako a rona a ka tšeptjoang a bokamoso. Ke rona feela ba nang le boleng bo betere le bo betere, re ka fihlelang bareki ba rona le rona ka borona. Amohela bareki hohle ka lentsoe ho ikopanya le rona bakeng sa ho fumana khoebo e eketsehileng le likamano tse tšepahalang. Haesale re le mona re sebeletsa litlhoko tsa hau neng kapa neng ha u batla.
Cosmate®FA, Ferulic Acid (FA), eo hape e bitsoang 4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamicacid, ke motsoako oa cinnamic acid. Ke mofuta oa asiti ea phenolic e atisang ho fumanoa limela tse ngata, matsatsing ana, Ferulic Acid haholo-holo e tsoa limela tsa tlhaho le mokhoa oa ho kopanya. Zhonghe Fountain e na le mefuta e 'meli ea Ferulic Acid.
Cosmate®FA, Ferulic Acid e nang le ts'ebetso e ntle ea litšenyehelo. Ferulic Acid e na le mesebetsi e fapaneng ea tlhaho. E ka senya li-radicals tsa mahala, 'me ea khothalletsa ho thehoa ha li-enzyme tse senyang li-radicals tsa mahala. E thibela mosebetsi oa tyrosinase; e na le bokhoni bo botle ba ho monya mahlaseli a ultraviolet le matla a ho monya a trans-dermal. Ka hona, Ferulic Acid e na le phello ea ho soeufala, anti-oxidation le tšireletso ea letsatsi. Litlolo tse nang le Ferulic Acid li ka ntlafatsa ho ba lerootho ha letlalo, hammoho le ho etsa hore letlalo le be bonolo, le benyehe hape le be bonolo. E sebelisoa haholo ho sireletsa letsatsi le litlolo tse soeufatsang.
Cosmate®FA, Feruli Acid e sibollotsoe hore ke mohanyetsi e mocha oa endothelin eo e seng peptide e nang le phello e tšoeu hape e na le li-radicals tse khahlanong le mahala, li-antioxidants, tse khothalletsang microcirculation ea mali, ho haha 'mele le tšireletso ea letlalo.
Litekanyetso tsa Tekheniki:
Ponahalo | Phofo e tšoeu ho isa ho bosehla bo kganyang |
Bohloeki | 99.0% |
Melting Point | 172 ℃ ~ 176 ℃ |
Tahlehelo ka ho Omisa | 0.5% boholo. |
Masalla a ho Ignition | 0.1%max. |
Ketapele(Pb) | 10 ppm boholo. |
Arsenic(As) | 2 ppm boholo. |
Mercury(Hg) | 1 ppm boholo. |
Cadmium(Cd) | 5 ppm boholo. |
*Khahlanong le Ho ruruha
* Moemeli oa Whitening
*Ante e thibelang botsofali
* Screen ea letsatsi
* Phepelo e tobileng ea fektheri
*Tšehetso ea tekheniki
* Tšehetso ea lisampole
* Ts'ehetso ea Taelo ea Liteko
*Tšehetso ea Order e Nyane
*Boqapi bo Tsoelang Pele
* Ikhethele ka Lisebelisoa tse sebetsang
* Lithako tsohle lia fumaneha
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China Sehlahisoa se Secha sa boleng bo phahameng ba 3-O-Ethyl-L-Ascorbic Acid / Ethyl Ascorbic Acid / CAS 86404-04-8
Ethyl ascorbic acid
Tlhahlobo ea Boleng ba Skincare Ferulic Acid Powder 99% Resveratrol Cosmetics Trans Ferulic Acid Powder
Ferulic Acid
Feme ea Phofo ea Boleng bo Phahameng CAS 84380-01-8 Cosmetic Grade Alpha Arbutin
Alpha Arbutin
Sampole ea mahala bakeng sa Lisebelisoa tse tala tsa boleng bo holimo tsa Cosmetic Raw Chemical3-O-Ethyl-L-Ascorbic Acid CAS 86404-04-8
Ethyl ascorbic acid
Boemo bo phahameng ba Cosmetic Grade 99% Purity Ascorbyl Glucoside / AA2g for Skin Whitening
Ascorbyl Glucoside