Feme ea Pele Big Discount Pure Natural Lupine Extract Lupeol 98% CAS No.: 545-47-1


Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Cosmate® LUP, Lupeol e ka thibela kholo le ho baka apoptosis ea lisele tsa leukemia. Tšusumetso e thibelang ea lupeol liseleng tsa leukemia e ne e amana le carbonylation ea lupine ring.


  • Lebitso la Khoebo:Cosmate® LUP
  • Lebitso la Sehlahiswa:Lupeol
  • INCI Lebitso:Lupeol
  • Foromo ea molek'hule:C30H50O
  • Nomoro ea CAS:545-47-1
  • Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

    Ke Hobane'ng ha Seliba sa Zhonghe

    Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

    Re boetse re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho ntlafatsa tsamaiso ea thepa le tsamaiso ea QC e le hore re ka boloka monyetla o moholo khoebong e nang le tlhōlisano e matla bakeng sa Original Factory Big Discount Pure Natural Lupine Extract Lupeol 98% CAS No.: 545-47-1, The mission of feme ea rona e tla ba ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo holimo le litharollo tse nang le boleng bo sebetsang ka ho fetesisa. Re labalabela ho sebetsa le uena!
    Re boetse re tsepamisitse maikutlo ho ntlafatseng tsamaiso ea lintho le tsamaiso ea QC e le hore re ka boloka molemo o moholo khoebong ea tlhōlisano e matla bakeng saChina Lupeol le Anti Aging Sejo, Ha kopanyo ea moruo oa lefats'e e tlisa liphephetso le menyetla indastering ea xxx, khamphani ea rona, ka ho tsoelapele ka ts'ebelisano ea rona, boleng pele, boqapi le melemo e fapaneng, e na le ts'epo e lekaneng ea ho fa bareki ba rona thepa e tšoanelehang, theko ea tlholisano le ts'ebeletso e ntle haholo, le ho aha bokamoso bo kganyang ka tlasa moya wa maemo a phahameng, a lebelo, a matla le metswalle ya rona mmoho ka ho tswela pele ka kgalemelo ya rona.
    Cosmate®LUP, Lupeol e ka thibela kholo le ho baka apoptosis ea lisele tsa leukemia. Tšusumetso e thibelang ea lupeol liseleng tsa leukemia e ne e amana le carbonylation ea lupine ring.

    Cosmate® LUP,Lupeol ke pentacyclic triterpene e nang le anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, e ka ntšoang litholoana le meroho e kang fragola le mango hammoho le litlama tsa Chaena le limela tse ling. E na le litlamorao tse khahlanong le ho ruruha, antioxidant le pholiso ea maqeba, 'me e bonts'a ts'ebetso e khahlanong le mofets'e ho mofetše oa manyeme, mofetše oa matsoele, mofetše oa prostate, melanoma le lihlahala tse ling.

    Litekanyetso tsa Tekheniki:

    Ponahalo Phofo e tšoeu
    Purity(HPLC) 98% mets.
    Boholo ba likaroloana NLT100% 80 Mesh
    Tahlehelo ka ho omisa

    2% boholo.

    Tšepe e boima

    10 ppm boholo.


    2ppm boholo.


    1 ppm boholo.


    0.5 ppm boholo.

    Palo eohle ea libaktheria

    1,000cfu/g boholo.

    Kakaretso ea Yeast & Mold

    100cfu/g boholo.

    Escherichia coli

    Ha e kenyelelitsoe


    Ha e kenyelelitsoe


    Ha e kenyelelitsoe



    *Ho soeufala ha Letlalo


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • * Phepelo e tobileng ea fektheri

    *Tšehetso ea tekheniki

    * Tšehetso ea lisampole

    * Ts'ehetso ea Taelo ea Liteko

    *Tšehetso ea Order e Nyenyane

    *Boqapi bo Tsoelang Pele

    * Ikhethele ka Lisebelisoa tse sebetsang

    * Lithako tsohle lia fumaneha